Ebooks and instruction manuals are delivered via the Internet.Payment can be made with PayPal or a major credit card. As soon as payment is processed, the electronic product is delivered. Usually, the seller will provide a link that enables the buyer to download it to his or her hard drive. Currently, writers are self-publishing ebooks and selling them in this way.In the meantime, Canada online shopping allows women to buy clothes and lingerie online. You can shop for your groceries like this and have them delivered to your door. You can order prescription medication this way too. Your physician faxes the prescription order to the pharmacist and he or she fills it and mails it.It was 1990 when Tim Berners-Lee brought the WorldWide Web browser to the public. Commercial selling was not allowed on the Internet until 1991. In 1994 the Internet shopping began. By 2000 American and European companies started to advertise and then the public began to recognize ecommerce as the pu rchase of goods on the web. Secure protocols for payment were introduced and developed. Products sold were as diverse as postage stamps, which people could pay for online and print on a home printer for use, and pizza delivered to the door in a half-hour.By 2002, eBay had bought PayPal for $1.5 billion dollars and by 2010 eBay sales reached $173 billion dollars. Canadian online shopping allows people to shop for jewelry, lingerie and shoes on the Internet. When men want front-row seats to sporting events, they order them as soon as they are for sale on the Internet. This is better than standing in line in front of the ticket office.This store may be an addition to the store that exists off-line. For example, many department stores, jewelry shops and bookstores have an Internet store in addition to a physical one. Large chain stores sometimes offer free shipping options. One chain offers the free shipping when the shopper buys specific products. Others offer free shipping whe n the customer orders over a certain amount of merchandise.The online store may also exist solely online. There are limited expenses for such an enterprise. A data bank listing the products substitutes for the stock in an offline store. They may ship from a warehouse that holds the merchandise until ordered. There is also a practice called drop shipping. The order is placed with the virtual store and the store then orders the merchandise from the warehouse owner. The warehouse distributor then ships the merchandise to the customer.Booksellers and travel agencies find it advantageous to operate on the net. A website displays the trips and lists the books for sale. Most offer a free chat or email to potential customers. The customer can see the prices and leisurely decide what they want to order. It provides the customer with a way to compare prices from one bookstore to another. Shopping on their dell computers is relaxing. No wonder people love to shop on the net.With the ad vent of technologies like E-commerce and M-commerce, the business world is changing with a rapid rate. E-commerce and M-commerce concept started long back, that is, around 5-6 years back, but since then, these industries have reported a tremendous growth in the market.