субота, 28. децембар 2013.

FAQ: Upgrading Printer Memory - Computers - Hardware

Should I upgrade printer memory? - This is a question asked by almost every printer owner. This article answers frequently asked questions about upgrading printer memory.

When/Why should I upgrade printer memory? When a print job is sent to a printer, the data is stored into printer's memory. Now if you are sending out large print jobs then there may not be enough RAM, which slows down your printer. So, the solution is to upgrade your printer memory.

Is my printer slow? Refer to printer's user manual to check printer speed. If the printer is not churning out pages at its rated print speed, then yes, your printer is slow for your print jobs.

What if I am printing graphics/images/photos? Refer to printer specifications and check print speed for graphics or photos. Generally, printing graphic or photos require more memory, thus slow print speeds. So, it may be a good idea to upgrade printer memory.

Why do I often get errors while printing? If you often get errors like "memory overload", "overflow errors" or "out of memory", your print jobs are either large or complex for the printer and it needs more memory to process your requests.

What are the advantages of upgrading printer memory? By upgrading printer memory, you can:* Print faster* Print complex and large documents* Print graphics/images/photos faster and at high resolution* Enable multiple print jobs* Increase the number and size of documents stored on printer's memory which makes your computer free for other jobs

How to install additional printer memory? Installing printer memory is easy and may vary form printer to printer. Refer to user manual for detailed instructions. Generally, these are the steps:* Switch off the computer and all the components attached.* Locate the memory module installation area (You may have to remove a section of the printer to get to it).* Line up the memory properly with its socket and fix it into its place.

Also know that it is up to you to determine the amount of memory needed. Before you buy a printer memory, be sure to check with the printer compatibility.

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